TR.AQUA: Innovative and Sustainable Practices in Aquaculture within the Framework of Food Supply Security
Goals, Objectives and Values of the Technology Platform
Today, the importance of aquaculture for the global aquaculture supply is widely recognized and there is a consensus among scientists and economists on its significant contribution to global food security. As the world’s fastest growing food sector and the most efficient paradigm for transforming feed into high quality animal proteins, aquaculture is considered to have the capacity to ensure global food security for a world population of 9 billion.
Recent studies on the impact of aquaculture on the world’s aquaculture resources have concluded that this sector plays a central role in global food production. In fact, assuming constant prices and continued production growth, global aquaculture demand is projected to double by mid-century. Moreover, fish and other seafood products not only provide the highest levels of nutrients such as long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and micronutrients, but also have a lower carbon footprint compared to other animal products.

In this context, the application of genomic and biotechnological techniques in aquaculture is considered to shape the basis for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Genetic improvement and biotechnological breeding methods, especially in farmed fish and other organisms, have played important roles in developing the aquaculture feed industry and promoting the transformation of aquaculture from traditional farming to modern industry. For this goal, the TR.AQUA Platform, which was created by centering Agrigenomics Hub, established with the IPA infrastructure support of the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Türkiye, aims to realize innovative and sustainable practices in aquaculture within the framework of food supply security.
Within this framework, TR.AQUA platform, supported by TÜBİTAK 1004 program, prioritizes sustainability and innovation in aquaculture under the leadership of Ankara University and in cooperation with 14 different institutions, with the participation of 130 researchers and more than 50 fellows from 35 institutions. The platform consists of the integration of 16 projects, including 15 technological projects and one social impact research.
The TR.AQUA has undertaken the mission of developing innovative solutions in all aspects of aquaculture by bringing together a wide range of expertise. In order to achieve this goal, our project platform supported under TÜBİTAK 1004 aims to achieve the following strategic objectives under three main headings specific to the aquaculture sector with 15 technical projects that are interconnected in terms of input and output.

1. Development of genomic, transcriptomic and cell line techniques and products to conserve biodiversity in Turkish fisheries and aquaculture and to make aquacultural production sustainable for food supply security until 2027 within the scope of compliance with the Green Deal. The projects under this objective are:
2. Development of methods and workflows for the production of alternative, functional and sustainable fish feed and feed additives and probiotics in order to align food supply security with the Green Deal by 2027 in aquaculture. The projects under this objective are:
3. Development of biosensors, diagnostic kits and DNA vaccines for diagnosis and treatment in the aquaculture sector for food supply security by 2027. Projects under this objective include:
Additionally, the impacts of all these innovative practices and dissemination activities will be assessed through a Social Impact Research.
“Together, we are moving towards a greener future and a strong food safety net. It is our responsibility to build a sustainable world.”
Project Name |
Institution |
Project Coordinator | Project Coordinator | |
1 | AquaGenomics: Whole Genome-Transcriptome Sequencing and Generation of Cell Lines of Target Species of Importance in Aquaculture Food Safety | Ankara University | Prof. Dr. Emre Keskin (General Coordinator) | emrekeskin293@anadolu.edu.tr |
2 | Effects of Poly-Hydroxy- Butyrate (PHB) and Antimicrobial Peptide (AMP) Ratios in Feed on Aquaculture Yield, Microbiota Profiling and Immune Gene Expression of Marine Prawns (Litopenaeus vannamei and Farfantepenaeus aztecus) in Biofabrication Technology | Ankara University | Prof.Dr. Ercüment Genç | ercumentgenc@anadolu.edu.tr |
3 | Development of PNA/AMP Based Impedimetric Electrochemical Biosensors for the Detection of Pathogens in Fish Farming | TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center | Dr. Özgür Yılmaz | ozgur_y@anadolu.edu.tr |
4 | Development of QR Code Based Smart Packaging Label for Freshness Tracking of Seafood Products | TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center | Dr. Sevgi Gülyüz | sevgigulyuz@anadolu.edu.tr |
5 | Mass Culture and Beta Carotene Production of Dunaliella salina in Closed and Open Systems Using Wastewater | Mediterranean Fisheries Research, Production and Training Institute | Dr. Mehmet Ali Turan Koçer | matkocer@anadolu.edu.tr |
6 | Development and Commercialization of an Automated DNA/RNA Isolation and qPCR Test Panel and a Rapid Test Family for Molecular Detection of Infections Threatening Aquaculture Production | Anatolia Geneworks | Dr. Elif Akyüz | elifakyuz@anadolu.edu.tr |
7 | Development and Validation of Broodstock Selection SNP Panels for Fish Species Critical to Food Supply Security | Intergen | Doç. Dr. Gülay Ceylaner | gulayceylaner@intergen.com.tr |
8 | Ensuring Aquaculture Food Safety with Functional Fish Feeds Prepared According to Climate Change Scenarios | Çukurova University | Prof.Dr. O. Tufan Eroldoğan | orhantufaneroldogan@anadolu.edu.tr |
9 | Isolation of Candidate Probiotic Yeasts from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Investigation of Probiotic Effects | Isparta University of Applied Sciences | Prof. Dr. Behire Işıl Didinen | behireisildidinen@anadolu.edu.tr |
10 | Improvement of Broodstock Selection Practices for Obtaining Quality Juveniles in Rainbow Trout | Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University | Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Doğukan Kaya | dogukan_kaya@anadolu.edu.tr |
11 | Balıklarda Görülen Development of a Plasmid- Based DNA Vaccine Against Lactococcosis in Fish | Karadeniz Technical University | Prof. Dr. İlhan Altınok | ialtinok@anadolu.edu.tr |
12 | Production of Functional Feed Additives and Biopolymers from Macroalgae: Effects on Growth Performance and Shelf Life of Some Selected Seafood Products | Yalova University | Prof. Dr. Derya Güroy | dguroy@anadolu.edu.tr |
13 | Organic Waste to Fish Feed | Atatürk University | Prof. Dr. Murat Arslan | muratarslan381@anadolu.edu.tr |
14 | Sex Ratios and Genetic Architecture Determining Sex in Northeastern Mediterranean Dicentrarchus Labrax Populations | Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University | Prof. Dr. Tülin Arslan | tulinarslan@anadolu.edu.tr |
15 | Antimicrobial Peptides in Aquatic Ecosystems | University of Health Sciences | Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ahmet Katı | akati@anadolu.edu.tr |
16 | Social Impact Study | Anadolu University | Prof.Dr.Evrim Genç Kumtepe | egkumtepe@anadolu.edu.tr |